
Case study

Case Study 8 – Secret Room Compartment in Car

Ever since the coronavirus outbreak, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced a lot of people cancel or postpone their international travel plans. Recently, as vaccinations are picking up, restrictions and travel bans imposed to slow down the transmission of Covid-19 pandemic will be eased soon. After being at home for some period of time, many people begin to realize the importance of experience nature and spending time outdoors with family and love ones.

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Different Holiday Experience during The Pandemic

The Dragon Boat Festival, that falls on 14th June this year, is one of Chinese traditional holidays with long history for family gathering/ reunion. On that day, there are quite a number of interesting customs and activities such as watching dragon boat races, balancing eggs at noon, having sticky rice dumplings, wearing fragrant sachets, etc., as of celebration and being said to protect from evil and diseases for the rest of the year. Here in Taiwan, we will celebrate the holiday somehow differently this year with family and friends through videos and calls.

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Online Search Optimization

It’s never an easy task to search for any products as what one has in mind without proper wording, especially with language boundaries. Here we are to encourage everyone please shooting us with some key words, brief descriptions, and/ or any positive comments, which are likely used for searching.

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About The Lead Time during Post Pandemic

The Convid-19 pandemic poses severe risks to the global economy, but it also presents great opportunities. The sharp shocks caused by the pandemic lead to large structural changes to the world economy and force companies to rethink how they operate.

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Chinese New Year Holidays Announcement

Dear valuable customers,

We’ve been through an unpeaceful year and we can still not see a positive change in the beginning of 2021. Despite the difficulties, FOGIM will keep offering the biggest support to medical related industries to help the world recovering sooner.

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